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Andrew's Competition #2 - September 3, 1999

On Friday, September 3rd, 1999, I entered my second piping competition, at the Pleasanton Highland Games. I competed in the Grade IV Piobaireachd category, which was held the day before the Games officially opened.

Immediately before playing during final tuning with Jay, my instructor, my lips were dried out and I was seriously blowing past the blowpipe.

I played fairly well ("Duncan MacRae of Kintail's Lament"). But with losing air, my drones weren't perfectly stable and my chanter cut out twice. Halfway though, I was huffing and puffing, blowing as deep and hard as I could just to finish.

The player scheduled to go first flaked, so I had to go first, and there was golf-ball sized seed pods on the ground. I helped pick them up after my playing as they should have removed those to keep the pipers from falling on their heads. But it didn't affect my performance really.

Here's what was on my Piobaireachd Adjudication Sheet:

Place: Pleasanton-9/3/99, Class: IV - #1, Competitor: Andrew Lenz #839
Tune: Duncan MacRae of Kintail, Adjudicator: MacKenney [?],

<from the comment area, the only critiquing on the sheet>

A shade deliberate and not keeping a constant sound.
nice phrasing and melodic
Drones not holding throughout.
nice clean chanter.

No points were indicated.

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